Feed Access Service of GACC(AQSIQ)
Based on the access procedures and standards of GACC in China, we will provide professional consulting and training services, mainly including:
1、 对申请企业进行初评,以确定企业是否具备申请准入的基本条件;
1. Preliminary assessing the enterprise applicant to determine whether it has the basic conditions for the access;
2、 依据企业的评估情况,派专家对申请企业进行现场培训及辅导,为企业按照中国AQSIQ准入标准建立管理措施,并对企业进行准入要求培训;
2. According to the assessment result, sending experts to conduct on-site training and guidance for the enterprise applicant, establishing management procedures in accordance with access standards of GACC, and undertaking the access requirement training;
3、 指导企业通过本国管理机构提出准入申请;
3. Guiding the enterprise to apply for access through their domestic management agencies;
4、 指导企业答复中国AQSIQ产品问卷;
4. Guiding the enterprise to reply to the product questionnaire of China's GACC ;
5、 协助企业与使馆进行产品准入沟通;
5. Assisting the enterprise to communicate the product access with the embassy.
6、 中国GACC文件风险评估的跟进及反馈;
6. Following up the feedback of the document risk assessment of GACC.
7、 如遇GACC现场评审,将进行指导或陪同,对问题进行整改;
7. In case of on-site eva luation by GACC, we will guide or accompany to rectify the problem;
8、 通过GACC审核,总局进行公示。
8. GACC will make public issue after verification.
1、 对于新产品,需要企业所在国家进行推荐,两国政府部门需要对检验检疫标准进行协商,所需要的时间不可控;
2、 现场培训及辅导,企业应提供翻译人员,并提供必要的食宿便利。
Special tips:
1. For new products, it requires recommendation given by the country of the enterprise and negotiation on the inspection and quarantine standard between both government departments. The time required is not controllable.
2. For on-site training and couching, enterprise should provide translators and necessary accommodation.